

In June 2001 I have won two prizes in "Tel je Tikken" (website); a design contest for students, concerning to find a solution for cost accounting on telephone connections in e.g. students houses or small hotels.

The project was answer to a call for solutions on a problem created by KPN Telecom, by out-phasing time-based cost indication technology (transmitting 50 Hz pulses per cost unit) from the fix-line phonesystem, thus failing on hundreds of thousands consumers.

The members of the jury awarded me for delivering the most original solution and secondly for the best usable solution for implementation in a hotel.

All other participants of the contest came up with a device, and so did I. However, I also defined a new service in the telephonesystem that could replace these devices and pointed out costs en benefits for a phonecompany.

On this website I have published the winning report and the report of the jury. These documents are available in the projects section.